Payroll processing by hand is a time-consuming process. Outsourcing payroll can save time to pursue more important value-added and revenue-generating activities.
The direct costs of processing payroll can be greatly reduced by working with a payroll provider.
Every small and medium size enterprise has to hire addition HR and Accounts personal only to manage payroll. You can have resources to focus on our core business activities
PeopleSide Payroll process helps you get accurate pay calculations, tax liabilities, Pay structures,
and helps you follow all compliances.
Manual payroll is a headache in the best case and a nightmare in the worst case. Enterprises that outsource payroll eliminate a tiresome source of lengthy and time consuming process.
Get all payroll and wages related reports, month wise, Person wise, department wise or branch wise with ease, You can check and instruct banks for salary credits and make prompt salaries.
Helps you keep your People pay secrecy and also helps you avoid pay information going out by outgoing accounts or HR employees, PeopleSide roll helps you eliminate that business risk.
It is difficult for Enterprises and HR, Accounts staff to keep up with changing regulations, and government forms. By outsourcing payroll, a small business can take advantage of expertise that was previously available only to big companies.
Payroll Software can import data from any punching/swipe machine’s exported excel file. Weekly off of each employee can be maintained separately. Holiday list at organization level can be defined which can be optional and compulsory. Over time in days and hours can be given. User can define the ratio of emoluments to be given on over time. Attendance software intelligently imports data from excel file and generates error if there is any discrepancy in attendance data or in leave.
In PeopleSide Payroll can define different leave types. These leave types can be paid or unpaid. If paid they can be encashed or carry forwarded to next year. Separate leave accounts for different leave types for each employee can be maintained. The leave tracker of an employee can be viewed to get all the details of his leave by using payroll software. PeopleSide Payroll also maintains leave account tracker.
PeopleSide Payroll helps you to file online returns. An ECR file of PF can be directly generated from payroll without hassle.
TDS Submission: ITNS 281 challan for TDS deposit can be generated. 24QR file can be generated which can be uploaded to NSDL.
ESIC Submission: Monthly data can be uploaded to ESIC account so that employers can download challan.
One can define ‘n’ number of heads under earnings or deductions in PeopleSide Payroll. Each head can be defined in five different ways viz. Slab, % of the basic, formula, absolute value, Least of the group.
PeopleSide Payroll is also used as salary calculator. ‘N’ number of salary structures can be defined in payroll software. In PeopleSide Pay roll salary calculator salary structure can have n number of earnings and deductions heads under it and one earning and deduction head can be under multiple salary structures this gives the user power of reusability. In payroll software, salary structure is then associated with an employee class, employees belonging to this class will automatically get the linked salary structure. One Salary structure can be associated with one or many employee class, but not vice-versa. Hence Change in a salary structure affects all employees in the class, this reduces significant time. In a special case scenario an employee can also be given additional ED heads
Loan can be given to an employee if your company has policy. These conditions are minimum service period, Maximum loan amount (in Multiple of basic salary), Maximum no of EMIs, Maximum EMI amount (in % of basic salary), Minimum Interest rate (monthly). The payroll software is automatically calculated and once the loan is approved then the EMI is auto deducted from the salary. PeopleSide Payroll generates computation chart including interest part and principal part.
In PeopleSide Payroll, bonuses can be configured at company level and can be given to all or selected employees. Month’s Bonus can be selectively discarded for an employee. Bonus applicability and bonus pay-out is totally controllable. Statutory bonus can be configured. Bonus statement as well as reports can be generated.
An Employee can be created working on daily/monthly wages. For daily waged employee single day’s salary can be stored in the payroll software that will be used for salary calculation on total worked days multiplied by day’s salary. Separate daily waged employee report available.
PeopleSide payroll allows to create different parameters are predefined in the system, but in rare case, if a user feels about defining a separate parameter for defining earnings and deduction heads then he can define a parameter head at company level and the value of which can be defined at the employee level, so every employee has different values for the same parameter.
With the help of PeopleSide payroll the employee salary can be deposited in their respective bank accounts. For this separate bank advices can be generated for each bank with details of employee name, month and year, bank account name, amount to be deposited.
Reimbursement/ third party loan/advances
Arrears and recurring arrears can be configured in payroll which can be taxable or non-taxable. Third party loan or third party premium payment such as LIC payment can be configured as recurring arrears. Arrears are of two types to be paid and to be taken back. Other non-fixed heads such as incentive/ bonus/ contribution towards organization can be configured by way of arrears. One can also configure pre-defined arrears so that these arrears can be separately shown on the salary slip. Arrears and Reimbursements can be imported from an excel file. This helps the user to save time manually entering data, also it automates the system thus reducing manual errors.
By default, all statutory norms such as PF, PT, ESIC, Tax Slabs, TDS concessions under various sections, LWF etc. are predefined in the payroll software. One does not have to configure the heads for the same. PF forms 3A, 6A, 12A, 7, 10, 5, 13, 10, and 19. ESIC challan, PT challan and MTR 6, Form 16, LWF challan and more are available.
PeopleSide Payroll calculates TDS automatically. The TDS applicability slab is predefined which can also be changed. Concessions provided by government under various sections are also configured. One can save tax by declaring under these sections.
Various types of reports are available in PeopleSide Payroll moreover data can be exported to excel for further formatting. Reports such as department-wise Salary, Employee monthly attendance report, Employee yearly attendance report, New joined and left service employees report, bank wise salary report, employee monthly salary report, employee annual salary report are configured.
In PeopleSide payroll the employee’s data, such as present address, permanent address, emergency contact information, assets given to employee, family details, educational qualification, certificates submitted, PF#, ESIC#, PAN#, Concessions availed for the financial year etc. can be saved. Employee Image can be saved to verify authenticity. The employee can be put on hold. The employee service record can also be maintained which can help to know the employee better during appraisal.
Company master data can be managed at company level. Basic company information, logo, SMTP details, allowance heads, pre-defined arrears heads can be maintained in payroll software.
In PeopleSide Full and final settlement of the employee can be initiated. Gratuity can be given. A full and final settlement statement is printed.
TDS challan ITNS 281 and 24QR generation possible using payroll software.
Automatically generates 24QR for quarterly returns. Payroll software will generate ITNS 281 challan automatically. User needs to select salaries for which challan not yet created. Challans pertaining to a quarter will constitute one 24Q. Revised 24Q can also be submitted for a quarter, but subsequent 24QRs will be considered as revised 24Q and not a complimentary submission. This feature of 24Q helps user to use only one software for its quarterly returns.
PeopleSide Payroll generates provisioning reports such as gratuity provisioning, bonus provisioning, Leave encashment provisioning and CTC on increment provisioning.
PeopleSide Payroll calculates CTC and generates a CTC report, which includes Employer PF and Employer ESIC, Leave component and Bonus Component. Payroll software also generates a pay master report for a further accounting purpose.
PeopleSide payroll backup of the database is provided so that whenever the user closes the application backup will be automatically taken. Pay-slips can be mailed through the application directly with attachments for hassle free operation.
In PeopleSide Payroll trial audit can be generated before saving the salary. Trial Audit helps in reviewing the salary and any errors if found, can be corrected before finalizing salary. Once salary saved it cannot be changed or manipulated.
Trail Audit is a latest feature of our payroll software which shows all the changes done in salary master affecting salary values. Say if an employee changes salary heads illegitimately, then it can be traced and by access module the user who originated the change can be traced. Hence full proof security and safety provided which result in complete peace of mind.
PeopleSide Payroll checks any changes in salary master, if any salary component changed, then a report can be sent to higher authority.
In PeopleSide payroll after salary is saved the salaries get locked but the month gets locked only after a month is frozen, this helps in maintaining sanity of data.
The reminders like birthdays, wedding anniversaries can be seen in payroll software. User can mail wishes to employees. Confirmation Dues and Relieving dues can also be viewed so that user can then take appropriate action.
The appraisal can be done in both desktop payroll software and online payroll software on predefined parameters. Each employee can be evaluated on these parameters where each parameter has a weightage in the overall appraisal. After appraisal each employee can have their appraisal salary increment can be automatically done in the system. New salaries can also be uploaded from an excel file
Superannuation fund details can be maintained and automatic calculation of contribution is done by the payroll software.